OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help


The Tools > Options.. menu or Options.. tool from toolbar displays the following dialog:
Document Posting This section list two options:
  • Review generated isometrics before posting: When enabled, a generated isometric will remain in the Isometric Processor pane for you to review before posting to ProjectWise. If disabled, the isometric is automatically posted to ProjectWise after it has been generated and is removed from the processor pane without reviewing.
  • Delete document from system after posting: When enabled, the generated isometric will be deleted from the Isometric Processor Pane after it has been posted to ProjectWise
Isometrics Listing
  • List only those components that have Valid Design States: When this is enabled, only iso sheets that have a valid design state (as determined by the administrator) are displayed in the Iso Sheets pane of the interface.
Isometric Production Log Whenever an isometric is generated, a Production Log file is created containing information on the isometric generation process. When the Log Isometric Dataset option is enabled, a complete dataset for the isometric is logged into the Production Log file which can be used for debugging if the isometric generation fails.
ProjectWise Managed Workspace dgn Path Lists the ProjectWise Managed Workspace file path. Click Clear to delete the path.
Note: When you clear this file path, the next time you start Isometrics Manager in a Managed Workspace you will have to use the setup process again to identify a new file path for the workspace.
Apply Saves the changes to the dialog. Button enables only when changes are made in the dialog.
OK Saves the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving the changes.